Full-text corpus data

This site contains downloadable, full-text corpus data from ten large corpora of English  --  iWeb, COCA, COHA, NOW, Coronavirus, GloWbE, TV Corpus, Movies Corpus, SOAP Corpus, Wikipedia -- as well as the Corpus del Español and the Corpus do Português. The data is being used at hundreds of universities throughout the world, as well as in a wide range of companies .

When you purchase this full-text data, you have the actual corpus on your computer, and you can use the data in any way that you'd like (with some reasonable restrictions). The data for all three corpora comes in three different formats: data for relational databases, word/lemma/PoS, and words (paragraph format). When you purchase the data, you purchase the rights to any and all of these formats.

These corpora provide important insight into variation, which is not available from other sources. Some of the corpora are several billion words in size, and in many cases they are 50 to 100 times as large as comparable corpora. (More information on the strengths of each corpus.)

See samples of each corpus (the samples are about 2 million to 10 million words for each corpus).

wordlemma PoS
COCA: 950 million words | 485,000 texts | 1990-2019 | evenly divided (~120-130 million words each) into spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, academic, blogs, other web pages, and TV and Movies subtitles

FICTION: Trees were swaying , though gently , and their leaves were rustling as if in applause to the change in the weather . <p> This had been going on for several days . The men and women who gauge the climate on television were exultant over the unusual run of good weather as if it was they who had brought it on .

MAGAZINE: The ability to approach every hunting situation with the same kind of open mind and without pre-conceived notions about " how it 's supposed to be done " is a trait all of the best deer hunters share . Plus , it 's a lot of fun to pull off-the-wall stunts that actually work in special situations .

NEWSPAPER: The protesters here certainly know what they do n't like : war , globalization , capitalism , drug laws , immigrant detention centers , a high-speed train line and , inexplicably , the Olympic torch . <p> " This is a discussion of war , " said Claudio Robba , 25 , one of maybe 150 protesters at a piazza , 

ACADEMIC: Synthesizing knowledge of the connections between above-surface and below-surface biodiversity was considered a priority to be addressed at a second workshop , since it would help to yield information on keystone species and interactions in ecosystem processes assess the extent of species 

SPOKEN: @SUMMIT It should be a C-note. @Mr._CARY_ANDERSON That's it. @Mr_ ANDERSON Oh, very good. See, you didn't have to get nervous, Mr. Cronick. You were really very good at it. @SUMMIT All right. @Mr._ANDERSON You -- you were coming fast and furious here. It was great. I could sleep. @

BLOGS: So , my last blog post was about going out with a guy who really " got " me . He was cool with all the projects I do . Well , I did see him again later that week and let 's just say : Things got a little creepy . <p> He plays softball , and was going to come over after a game . He also loves horror movies and

WEB PAGES: Reviewer : Fireball . I do nt know the Poe Story But off hand some interesting things that are symbolistic come to mind . The sets are very M.C. Escher-esque , staircases to staircases , some conventional , some abstract , but I point out it 's escher-esque because it 's the House of Usher

TV/MOVIES: Cyclops , you and Storm ready the jet . I 'm gon na find Rogue . Get Logan a uniform . Wait a minute . He 's not coming with us , is he ? - Yes . - Sorry , but he 'll endanger the mission and ... I was n't the one who gave the station a new sunroof , pal . No , you were the one who stabbed Rogue in the chest .

NOW: (Currently) 19.9  billion words | 33,979,984 texts / web pages | 20 different countries | 2010 - last month (September 2024) | Growing by 4-5 million words each day

United States (Dec 2016, Gizmodo): Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water ... it totally was. While certainly dramatic, an image of a breaching great white shark currently making the rounds on Twitter as National Geographic’s “Photo of the Year” has nothing to do with the magazine. In fact, it isn’t even a photo.

Great Britain (Dec 2016, Guardian): Akhtar says she is “sick of being told I’m not getting on with people who are not like me” and admits to deliberately going out of her way to change that perception. “You know what I’ve been doing recently?” she asks. “When I’m in a shopping centre, if a see a white person sat on a bench

Australia (Dec 2016, news.com.au): “It is soooooo heavy (this is just the top section) and made of recycled branches [and] our decorations are from @countryroad,” she wrote. Within 24 hours the photo has clocked up 10,000 likes and almost 300 comments, with many slamming the “tree” as an “epic fail”.

India (Dec 2016, Siasat.com): ”Naseer Saab was not promoting the film and Arshad was not there for all the promotions. But I went everywhere in that synthetic sari, promoting the film. But I was happy that I was doing all I could to get as many people as possible into the theatres,” she said. Vidya Balan added, ”And then, much later, after several films,

iWeb: 13.8 billion words | 22 million web pages | ~100,000 of the most-visited websites in English.  More info

breadexperience.com: Cover the dough with a towel and set it aside to rest in a warm place ( 80 degrees F. ) for about 30 minutes . <p> Sprinkle the salt over the dough and grab the dough between your fingers and pull it up and stretch it. - Incorporate the salt into the dough by continuously pulling the dough up and turning the bowl around with your hands .

buddhistdoor.net: Because they have not cleared the twofold obstruction of views and afflictions , ordinary beings can only guess at the deepest meanings of the Dharma . Their understanding is bound to be incorrect and biased, though they can , at times , succeed in a partial analysis of the teachings based on logic and reason .

harrypotterfanzone.com BOWTRUCKLE <p> Description : Tree-guardian creature found mainly on the west of England , southern Germany and certain Scandinavian forests . Said to be made of bark and twigs with two brown eyes , very hard to spot and grows up to eight inches in height . If it thinks its home is in danger ,

nuclear-energy.net: In natural radioactivity , the substance already has radioactivity in the natural state . In artificial radioactivity , the radioactivity has been induced by irradiation . <p> A radionuclide is all the radioactive cores of the same kind . All radioactive cores forming a radionuclide have a well-defined radioactivity ,

hoophall.com: Already a legend in his native China , the big center was poised to test his mettle against the best basketball players in the world . In eight NBA seasons , Yao made eight All-Star rosters , averaged 19 points and 9 rebounds , and was named to the All-NBA team five times . He was also a three-time gold medalist 

Coronavirus: 1.5 billion words | 2,046,945 texts | 20 different countries | Jan 2010 - Dec 2022

Australia (2 Feb 2020): " reconsider your need to travel " to China overall and " do not travel " to Hubei Province due to the outbreak of coronavirus . " Chinese authorities have restricted travel for parts of the country and may extend these restrictions at short notice , " the warning states . " Travellers may be quarantined ,

Canada (13 March 2020): The spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 continues , with more cases diagnosed in Canada . The Globe offers the dos and don'ts to help slow or stop the spread of the virus in your community . <p> " This makes it really hard to estimate the possibility of coming into contact with someone

UK (23 Apr 2020): Social distancing does not directly tackle the coronavirus but it keeps it away from the public and buys time to develop other methods of tackling the virus . <p> Slowing down the transmission rate is a very important part of flattening the curve and ensuring the NHS is n't overwhelmed at any one point

US (31 May 2020): he could soon loosen restrictions on restaurants and nonessential retail that have been long been limited to curbside pickup and delivery to slow the outbreak . <p> " We 've taken a whole lot of steps already , but we 're going to announce a whole lot more tomorrow , which will be effective sometime over the next couple of weeks

TV Corpus: 325 million words | 75,000 episodes | 1950-2018 | US, CA, UK, IE, AU, NZ. More than 90% (295 million words) from 1990-2018.

1960 USA Bonanza Western
How did he know those men are guilty ? Now , what difference does it make , as long as they 're the men that did it ? But it does make a difference , does n't it , Mr . Kyle ? What were those men guilty of , murder or just acting on your instructions ? Oh , that 's ridiculous . What reason would he have to do a thing like this ? Well , maybe I can give you a clue . Which one did you want killed , Kyle , the man or the woman ?

1977 UK Doctor Who Adventure, Drama
Somebody must have heard . - Was he like this when you found him ? - Just a little fresher . - You said you heard screams . - Yes . - He was strangled . - The screams stopped . - What 's this ? - I 've no idea . - Crew all assembled ? - They should be . Let 's get this thing settled , then . The sooner we solve this , the sooner we get back to making our quota . Scientists ! I never should have let him on board .

1991 USA Twin Peaks Crime, Drama, Mystery
I remember you . Get the lady here a drink . With a little umbrella in it . Go on , dear , sit down , it 's all right . - Why are you doing this to James ? - Why not ? Because he 's a good person . He was good at two things : The car and me . You do n't get it , do you ? I 'm talking about our lives . Life . Life will be rosy if you can just get out of one silly little jam . Maybe . Maybe not . Talk to me in a couple of years when your whole life has turned to crap .

2001 UK The Office Comedy, Drama
What do you think ? - He looked all right . How did it go ? - What did she say ? Fine . What 's the damage ? It 's complicated . Are you going to tell us ? - Yeah . David ? We 'd like to know now . OK . All right . OK . Gather . Um ... Well , there 's good news and bad news . The bad news is Neil will be taking over both branches and some of you will lose your jobs . Those of you who are kept on will have to relocate to Swindon .

2016 USA The Simpsons Animation, Comedy
They cut me off . I never dreamed when I gave ' em my credit card number that they would charge me . You could help me out if you want . I have an old shirt you could wear . An old shirt ! Wow ! My dad does n't have any of those . Wow . Anyone ever tell you that you 're excellent at gluing ? Um , no . And your rubber cement boogers were very convincing . Look , I know you 're doing this because you have to .

Movies Corpus: 200 million words | 25,000 movies | 1930-2018 | US, CA, UK, IE, AU, NZ. More than 70% (140 million words) from 1990-2018.

1936 US Gold Diggers of 1937 Comedy, Musical, Romance
Come on , come on , give us the lowdown . Shut up and let him tell it . Go on . Oh , well , I 've been working here five months . You hear that ? Five months . That 's perseverance , five months on one case . Here , have another drink . Well , I went in there ... Cold ? - Cold turkey . - I did n't know a soul . - You just felt your way along ? - That 's right , but I kept going .

1951 UK The Lavender Hill Mob Comedy, Crime
Why do n't you give that poor old devil a chance ? Surely , after all this time , he deserves a leg up . Oh , I 'm afraid it would n't work , sir . His one and only virtue is honesty . He has no imagination , no initiative , sir . I was a potential millionaire . Yet I had to be satisfied with eight pounds , fifteen shillings , less deductions

1977 USA Saturday Night Fever Drama, Music
Do n't forget again , baby , Universal Disco sweepstakes , just a week away . Tony ! Tony , that was really great . - Oh , you liked it ? - Yeah . Listen , I 'm gon na go home now . All right ? - You 're gon na go home ? - Yeah . No , no , stay a little longer , Frank . The night 's just beginning . Yeah , I know , but it 's not my scene , you know ? Come on . You did n't expect me to stay the whole night , did you ?

1990 UK Truly Madly Deeply Comedy Drama, Fantasy
I 'm serious . - So am I . I du n no , maybe I did n't die properly . Maybe that 's why I can come back . It was like standing behind a glass wall while everybody else got on with missing me . It did n't hurt . And you know I 'm very sensitive to pain . It really did n't hurt . But where do you go ? I mean do you go to heaven ... or what ? I do n't think so . I ca n't take all this in . Where do I start ?

2000 USA X-Men Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Cyclops , you and Storm ready the jet . I 'm gon na find Rogue . Get Logan a uniform . Wait a minute . He 's not coming with us , is he ? - Yes . - Sorry , but he 'll endanger the mission and ... I was n't the one who gave the station a new sunroof , pal . No , you were the one who stabbed Rogue in the chest . Why do n't you take your little mission and stick it up ...

2012 USA Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Pt 1 Action, Adventure, Crime, Sci-Fi
You 're not worried about me , are you ? No more than I am the rest of the city . People have given up , Jim . They 're hiding , turning a blind eye . These are scary times . And the Mutants , they 're not like the usual street crooks . A mugger , he 's after a wallet . It makes sense . These kids , it 's just random violence . - There 's no humanity in them at all . - Sounds like someone I used to deal with . Thank God he 's keeping quiet .

SOAP corpus: 100 million words | US Soap Operas | 2000-2012

All My Children
What about Carolyn ? You have n't even mentioned her . @Jake: I do n't want to talk about that . @Tad: Did something happen between the two of you ? Is it something we can help ? Ok , so , what ? That 's -- that 's it ? You 're just going to shut down on me again ? @Jake: I 'm just tired , Tad . I 'm tired . Can we just pick this up later ? @Tad: Yeah . Sure .

General Hospital
@Lulu: Okay , well , the name is a mouthful , but think of all the people you 'd be helping ? @Dante: That 's what pisses me off most of all , I mean , he knows how much I 'd care about -- about a cause like that . So I said Go ahead donate all you want , just keep my name out of it . @Lulu: Well he 's trying to have a relationship in a twisted yet touching way . @Dante: That 's what make me crazy , okay .

One Life To Live
@Natalie: Ok , all right , I get it . You do n't like it when I compare how I feel about to John to you and Marcie . @Michael: No , no , you see , stop right there , ok ? That 's where you 're wrong . Marcie and I , we had something special . We were in love , we were together . You and -- you just want to break up something good that my brother has in his life . @Natalie: You know , it 's not like he 's in love with Evangeline .

As the World Turns
@Emily: Paul , if people waited for the right time , nobody would have kids . @Paul: Emily , this pregnancy is n't some fabulous new beginning . It 's a continuation of the same nightmare that you and I have been living for months . @Emily: Nightmare . Is that how you see it ? @Paul: The way I see it , you should get a fresh start . Em , I want you to have a chance at a better future . @Emily: You 've already laid out my future . It 's prison .

Young and Restless
@Nikki: Well , as a matter of fact , I just hung up with Mr . Tate . He wants to meet me now at the Athletic Club . @Brad: Do n't let us keep you . @Nikki: Oh , I 'm not . Um , I 'm gon na let David go in my place . @Nick: Are you sure you wo n't reconsider ? @Sharon: Um , well , I do n't know . I mean , it 's just been so long since I 've done anything like that . @Jack: Guys , Guys , putting a partner on the cover is not exactly a great selling point . @Phyllis: Absolutely not .

Wikipedia: 1.8 billion words | 4.4 million texts  More info

Toyota Camry: Coil spring independent suspension features by way of a MacPherson strut type with stabilizer and strut bar up front, and a MacPherson rear setup with parallel lower arms. Steering uses a rack and pinion design; braking hardware is made up of front ventilated discs and rear drums with a double proportioning valve to suppress lock-up.

Basilisk: The basilisk appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as the monster inside the Chamber of Secrets. Some characteristics of the beast are similar to the rest of the mythos: the basilisk is considered king of serpents, and its gaze kills. But the basilisk in JK Rowling's work is also said to be of gigantic size

Computational phylogenetics: Traditional phylogenetics relies on morphological data obtained by measuring and quantifying the phenotypic properties of representative organisms, while the more recent field of molecular phylogenetics uses nucleotide sequences encoding genes or amino acid sequences encoding proteins

Duke Ellington: Ellington had to increase from a six to eleven-piece group to meet the requirements of the Cotton Club's management for the audition, and the engagement finally began on December 4. With a weekly radio broadcast, the Cotton Club's exclusively white and wealthy clientele poured in nightly to see them. At the Cotton Club, 

GloWbE: 1.8 billion words | 1,800,000 texts | web pages | ~ 60% blogs | United States, Great Britain, Australia, India, and 16 other countries

United States (blog): So , my last blog post was about going out with a guy who really " got " me . He was cool with all the projects I do . Well , I did see him again later that week and let 's just say : Things got a little creepy . <p> He plays softball , and was going to come over after a game . He also loves horror movies and

Great Britain (general): Returning in 2012 with his fourth artist album , " The Agony & The Ecstasy " , High Contrast is set to reinstate his reputation at the top table with this superb twelve-track long player . <p> High Contrast himself describes The Agony & The Ecstasy as more personal than any other album he 's made 

Australia (blog): i want build a little biz to be the place to ' get a little help as you build your little biz . ' <p> but i also want to send a strong message about the people i want to help . people who want to ... <p> be awesome . do what you love . kick ass . <p> i have these words posted clear above my desk as a reminder to myself too .

India (general): The word apavitra anna refers to food that is unacceptable for a Vaisnava . In other words , a Vaisnava can not accept any food offered by an avaisnava in the name of maha-prasada . This should be a principle for all Vaisnavas . When asked , " What is the behavior of a Vaisnava ? " Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied , "

COHA: 385 million words | 115,000 texts | 1810-2009 | each decade has roughly the same balance of fiction, popular magazine, newspaper, and non-fiction books

1820s (fiction): whom he called his good genius , and his elevated character and rare purity entitled him to this distinction . The influence of his virtues and affection might , perhaps , have preserved Henry from the errors of his after life , but their opportunities of intercourse were rare and brief

1870s (non-fiction books): In which opinion all physiologists will join . As I have said , hysterical women certainly do exhibit a marked ability to go without both food and drink . I have had patients abstain from sometimes one , sometimes the other , and sometimes both , for periods varying from one day to eleven

1910s (newspaper): The Greenwich Equal Franchise League , composed entirely of New York society women , had taken part in the selection of candidates , and , deciding that one of their own sex could not be elected , advised their husbands and brothers whom to nominate .

1960s (magazine): " And when you have fifty bucks ' worth of candles , you have to light ' em , because they look so beautiful . " They both laughed . " The hippie thing was misinterpreted by the people of this country , " Guthrie said , a moment later . " The hippies were saying , ' Love everybody , ' but

Corpus del Español (Web/Dialects): 1.8 billion words | 1,800,000 texts | web pages | ~ 60% blogs | 21 Spanish-speaking countries  More info

Argentina (blog): Que no me guste lo que hace en este momento es otra cosa. Otras cosas que hace, como su labor solidaria, las donaciones que hace en Bolívar, etc, son menos conocidas que el resto de las cosas que se publican, y son totalmente encomiables. Noooo Alice, no me banco a Tinelli. Me parece super falluto mal.

México (general): el chamaco tiene fuertes probabilidades de heredar algún trastorno. Pero, como dice ella, apenas lo detectemos, lo llevamos a el psicólogo y a el psquiatra y lo tratamos. Un abrazo. Hoy fui a el psiquiatra y me dio una de las noticias mas tristes, pero la mas sensata: Señora, usted NO debe tener más hijos, porque de seguro

Puerto Rico (blog):  nos detuvimos a pensar sobre el porvenir en un diálogo decisivo mi esposo me preguntó: ¿ Qué tú deseas realmente? ¿ Dar a luz o ser mamá? Yo me he preguntado lo mismo en muchas ocasiones durante todos estos años y he llegado a la conclusión de que quiero ser padre. No importa la forma, quiero ser papá.

España (general): all sistema operativo (impidiendo su ejecución normal) o de borrar completamente la información almacenada en el disco duro. Aunque estas acciones pueden hacer que su ordenador deje de funcionar correctamente, no representan un daño físico irreparable. Por último, tenga en cuenta que aunque en la actualidad

Corpus do Português (Web/Dialects): 1.0 billion words | 1,111,300 texts | web pages | ~ 60% blogs | 4 Portuguese-speaking countries  More info

Brasil (blog):  E um ponto importante aqui : caso você seja uma pedra de gelo e goste de ver a outra pessoa só uma vez por semana , nunca , jamais , diga que não entende como ela pode ter tanta saudade . Ninguém é obrigado a se sentir como você se sente . Ciúmes Bom , aqui o bicho começa a pegar .

Portugal (general): Estudantes do Liceu Airbus , técnicos de qualidade e engenheiros de estruturas de investigação e desenvolvimento Airbus , entre outros , irão falar sobre o trabalho que fazem diariamente para conceber , produzir ou desenvolver os aviões mais avançados de o mundo .

Angola (blog): mas os meus cambas me disseram q a garina tinha um guardilha bué caenche e q ele ia me pancar tipo sou filho de ele ... aceitei só . Nakela noite sapamos em um boda pra festejar a minha volta . Chupei , papei e tarrachei tipo nada , ainda tava pra perar uma xkindoza mas ela saiu pra dar uma sussa e já n voltou

Moçambique (general):  a edificação de o corredor exclusivo para autocarros não vai implicar a eliminação imediata de os transportadores semi-colectivo de passageiros . "« Depois de a construção de o corredor exclusivo , os transportadores vão ser reorientados para transportar pessoas até um determinado local ,